目前分類:Life (6)

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Comparison between DNA and computer chips:

  1. Material: primarily Carbon in DNA vs. Silicon in chips. Carbon is lighter.
  2. Numbering systems: quaternary in DNA vs. binary in chips.
  3. Nano technology: minimum element size in DNA is 0.34 nm vs. 14 nm in chips. That is 1:41 ratio. As computer chips are scaled down even further, they will hit the brick wall which the quantum effect will come into play. Drastic change in chip design will have to be made to scale down to the atomic level that DNA structure has employed for millions of years. This 1:41 ratio however doesn’t compare unit cell sizes. The densest storage media currently available in the market is hard drives. It can reach 1 Tbits/in2. That translates to 645.16 nm2 per bit. Whereas for the DNA to store one bit it only takes 0.884 nm2 . (0.34nm x 2.6 nm) Considering just the areal density, it is a ratio of 729.82 : 1 between DNA bit density and that of the densest hard drive in the market. If we take volume density into consideration, that ratio will even be higher.
  4. Expandability: Computer chips don’t grow, marry and bear children. DNA structure does. And with DNA structure it evolves into human beings who can fathom the past and the future and from beneath the earth to the end of the universe! The creation from the DNA structure have the urge to seek the one who created them.
  5. 3D vs. 2D: It was only recently that our chip makers are working towards 3D chip making. But DNA structure has been implementing 3D structure for millions of years.
  6. DNA is environmentally safe. It is biodegradable. Whereas, it requires many poisonous chemicals in order to make modern computer chips. Plus computer chips are not biodegradable.

DNA structure has been around for millions of years and yet it appears to me much more advanced than the computer chips that we started to build from the ’70s. DNA cannot just come out of randomness by itself. Atoms that build DNA are well organized. There are exactly four building blocks of the DNA, i.e. A, T, C and G base pairs shared among all the species. DNA structure is well thought out. There must be intelligence behind the scenes that made it happen. Of course one can say that DNA came ‘naturally’. But this kind of reasoning is almost like when kids say you can get money from the ATM machines.


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季光容 游復熙 著 (中副 — 中央日報副刊 — 1970-71 年間)



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Einstein: “The eternal mystery of the world is its comprehensibility.”


We human beings, who are small creatures living on a small planet of an average star, can somehow fathom the past and the future, to explore the world underneath and the stars beyond us, to build sensors to view deep in the space and knowing what we saw were way in the past. How wonderful it is! I couldn’t but ask, ‘why is the universe the way it is? How did it come about?’



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For we are now in the autumn of our national life. There comes a time in our lives, as nations and as individuals, when we are pervaded by the spirit of early autumn, in which green is mixed with gold and sadness is mixed with joy, and hope is mixed with reminiscence. There comes a time in our lives when the innocence of spring is a memory and the exuberance of summer a song whose echoes faintly remain in the air, when, as we look out on life, the problem is not how to grow but how to live truly, not how to strive and labour but how to enjoy the precious moments we have, not how to squander our energy but how to conserve it in preparation for the coming winter. A sense of having arrived somewhere, of having settled and found out what we want. A sense of having achieved something also, precious little compared with its past exuberance, but still something, like an autumn forest shorn of its summer glory but retaining such of it as will endure.

我們的國運正處在多事之秋﹐無論國家和個人的生命,都會達到一種瀰漫著初秋精神的時期,翠綠夾著黃褐,悲哀夾著歡樂,希望夾著追憶。到了生命的這個時期,春日的純真已成追憶, 夏日的繁茂餘音嫋嫋, 我們瞻望生命,問題已不在於如何成長,而在於如何真誠度日,不在於拚命奮門,而在於享受僅餘的寶貴光陰,不在於如何浪費體力,而在於如何保存實力,準備過 冬。自覺已到達某一境地,安下心來,找到自己追求的目標。也自覺有一些成就,比起往日的輝煌雖然顯得微不足道,卻值得珍惜,宛如一座失去夏日光彩的秋林, 仍然保有耐寒的韌力。


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文見東晉王羲之『蘭亭集序 』﹐東晉的王羲之(303-361)認為宇宙有多大?中原加四夷?他認為日月星辰有多遠?他知不知道地球是的?知不知道行星繞日?知不知道太陽系?如果王羲之活在今天﹐他一定會更加驚歎宇宙之大﹐其實我們現代人所知仍然有限﹐就是用最清晰的望遠鏡我們都只能看到宇宙的一小部份﹐最新的研究顯示﹐暗物質(27%)﹑暗能量(68%)都應該存在*﹐但是我們還偵測不到﹐有待後續的證實。

*: Max Tegmark: Our Mathematical Universe, page 76, 2014 Alfred A. Knopf, New York



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